The PEOPLES’ 20 webinar on Civic Engagement with G7-BRICS-G20 Summits will be held on Thursday, 29 June 2023, at 2 PM (London) 6:30 PM (New Delhi) 8 PM (Bangkok) 10:00 PM (Seoul and Tokyo). One of the coordinators of the C7 Global Health Working Group, Masaki Inaba, will be speaking at the webinar.
Webinar on Civic Engagement with G7-BRICS-G20 Summits
29 June 2023 (Thursday)
The webinar, jointly organized by PEOPOES’ 20, AEPF and POP Dialogue aims to address the challenges, foster a common understanding, and formulate effective advocacy strategies pertaining to the triple annual ‘geopolitical’ summits, namely G7, BRICS and G20 among CSOs in Asia and Europe.
This is a follow-up to the virtual session on Nexus Approach to G7-BRICS-G20 at the PyeongChang-Odaesan-Peace (POP) Global Forum (8 Feb. 2023) (115) G20, G7, BRICS versusInclusive Multilateralism – Jomo Kwame Sundaram – YouTube
Guiding questions:
Taking into account the PPT presentation by Jomo Sundaram, please respond to the following questions based on your experiences (2-3 minutes per question per person)
- What are emerging geopolitical challenges from G7, G20 and BRICS Summits in terms of global CSO advocacy for peace, justice and equality?
- What is your critical assessment of the CSO engagement and advocacy so far with them – G7, BRICS and G20 Summits? What are the challenges facing the CSOs?
- What are your suggestions for effective strategies among CSOs in Asia and Europe in terms of international advocacy strategies?
Contact: [email protected]
Time Zone: 2 PM (London), 6:30 PM (New Delhi) 8 PM (Bangkok), 10:00 PM (Seoul and Tokyo)
Program Agenda and Timeline: