
[C7 Summit Session 18] Expectations to the G7 and Business Leaders: “Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (mHREDD) and other urgent steps to drive equality and labour rights”

Please kindly find below the program details of the C7 Summit.

Expectations to the G7 and Business Leaders:
“Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (mHREDD) and other urgent steps to drive equality and labour rights”

Date & Time: 14 April 2023, 17:00-18:30 JST (GMT+9)

Modality: Virtual (online) event

The purpose of the event is to bring attention to the world, of “ Business and Human Rights”, especially the mHREDD, and other urgent issues such as forced/child labour, import controls, meaningful stakeholder engagement at all stages, and protections of workers’ rights of the vulnerable such as immigrant workers, women and handicapped, based on the C7 Communique and the discussions in the Working Group Meetings.

<Keynote speaker and panelist>
・Ms. Pichamon Yeophantong, Chair of UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

・Ms. Pichamon
・Ms. Sofía del Valle, Engagement Lead, Social Transformation, World Benchmarking Alliance
・Ms. Rocio Domingo Ramosb, Business and Human Rights Policy and Research Officer, Anti-Slavery International
・Mr. Timotheus Felder-Roussety, Counsellor for Health and Labour, German Embassy Tokyo

・Q&A and Comments by the participants
・Moderator: Hideki Wakabayashi, JANIC

*The mHREDD is the focal and cross cutting issue in the event, which the speakers are expected to touch upon.

  • Opening and introduction of the event including the general rules of the event by MC
  • Opening remarks by Ms. Shoko Uchida, Coordinator of the Economic Justice Working Group (focusing on the C7 Communique including the Economic Justice WG)
  • Brief Explanation on the BHRL Communique
  • Keynote Speech: “Expectations to the G7 and Business leaders on BHR and Labour” by Ms. Pichamon Yeophantong
  • Q & A
  • Presentation: by Ms. Sofía del Valle on the global inadequacy of corporate practice by WBA work
  • Presentation: by Ms. Rocio Domingo Ramosb on forced/child labour and import control
  • Presentation: by Mr. Timotheus Felder-Roussety
  • Q&A and comments from the floor
  • Final remarks from each speaker: 1 minute each
  • Summary and closing remarks: by Moderator
  • Closing and Questionnaire By MC


Ms. Pichamon Yeophantong, Chair of UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

Ms. Sofía del Valle, Engagement Lead, Social Transformation, World Benchmarking Alliance

(Photo by Matt Cashore)

Ms. Rocio Domingo Ramosb, Business and Human Rights Policy and Research Officer, Anti-Slavery International

Timotheus Felder-Roussety, Counsellor for Health and Labour, German Embassy Tokyo

Hideki Wakabayashi, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)