





【場所】東京プリンスホテル 2階「鳳凰の間」



  • Offer insights into the recommendations made by the C7 Climate and Environmental Justice working group
  • Highlight efforts undertaken by local NGOs to address issues related to climate and environmental justice
  • Showcase the involvement of youth and gender in addressing climate and environmental justice


Speaker: Mr. Harjeet Singh, Climate Action Network/ C7 Climate and Environmental Justice Working Group Coordinator

Speaker: Ms. Risa Endo, JACSES/ C7 Climate and Environmental Justice Working Group Coordinator

Guest: Ms. Tomoko Hoshino, Environment Partnership Council

Guest: Ms. Mana Hashimoto, Plan International Japan Youth Group

Moderator: Mr. Jiro Adachi, JACSES


  • Introductions/Opening remarks
  • Explanation of WG Recommendations①
  • Explanation of WG Recommendations②
  • The initiatives of local NGOs in various regions of Japan, including Hokkaido and Hiroshima
  • Recommendations from youth and gender perspectives to tackle climate change
  • Discussion
  • Closing remarks