Join us for the C7 Handover Event on 21 November 2023
Women as Key Players in Development – Open dialogue with G7 & G20 stakeholders
Webinar on Civic Engagement with G7-BRICS-G20 Summits
G7 Gender Equality Ministers and Civil Society Dialogue
Virtual Bangkok Forum on G20 Summit
Webinar on G7 Hiroshima Communique
[21 May] Press release at the ultimate day of the G7 summit: Does the G7 communique’s pandemic/global health policies meet the world’s expectations?
[21 May] Press Conference by Setsuko Thurlow and ICAN
[21 May] Civil7 Press Conference on the G7 Leaders’ Communique
[21 May] Joint Press Conference by Japanese and international NGOs “Urgent call for Japan’s choice to uphold fundamental rights of refugees and migrants in Japan”